iQuran Pro ini terdapat beberapa pilihan bahasa translate (terjemah)
yang telah di verfikasi oleh ulama' serta terdapat pilihan imam pembaca
Al Quran yang sebelumnya harus kita download dari HP langsung (tidak
bisa dai komp).
What’s in this version iQuran Pro 2.3.3:
- Bug fixes and improvements to tajweed rules
What’s in this version iQuran Pro 2.3.2:
- [NEW] Added new Tajweed rule: Idgham without ghunna
- Changed color of normal Idgham to Purple whilst Grey is now reserved for Idgham without ghunna
- Improved coloring of ‘Ikhfa’ Tajweed rule. Coloring now begins from the affected noon sakin or tanween
- Fixed scrolling to selected verse from Bookmarks/Search
iQuran Pro 2.3.2, Read the Holy Quran in Arabic alongside its translation. Provides verse by verse audio playback, color coded Tajweed, repeat functions, unlimited bookmarks, search, excellent navigational controls, several translations and reciters and much more.
With iQuran Pro 2.3.2 you enjoy:
* Color coded Tajweed (Pronunciation) Rules, the first and only Qur’an software to offer live rendered Tajweed rules.
* Zoom-in feature to enlarge Arabic script
* Full landscape support
* Unlimited bookmarks with notes
* Several translations
* A powerful full-text search engine
* Several downloadable recitations for verse by verse recital (supports gapless/continuous recitation for all reciters except Husary and Ash-Shatree)
* Powerful audio controls with an option to group playback of verses to aid in memorization
iQuran Pro 2.3.2 provides the following translations:
* English & Transliteration
* German
* French
* Indonesian
* Urdu (requires OS 3.0+)
* Farsi (requires OS 3.0+)
* Melayu
* Spanish
* Turkish
* Russian
* Bosnian
* Dutch
* Italian
* Albanian
* Romanian
* Japanese
Included reciters are:
* Sheikh Husary
* Mishary Al-Afasy
* Saood & Shuraim
* Abu Bakr Ash-Shatree
* Abdul Basit
* Ghamdi
* Mahir Al-Muayqali
iQuran Pro 2.3.2 has been designed to work on all Android devices.
NOTE: Permission to read phone state is required in order to pause recitation in case the phone rings.
Download Links:
APK file : iQuran Pro 2.3.2 (v2.3.2) apk (27.18MB) - Full program only without audio.
APK file : iQuran Pro 2.3.3 (v2.3.3) apk (27.6MB) - Full program only without audio.
Complete Audio File (1.68GB) (Sheikh Abdul Basit only) :
(After download, please join using HJ-Split)
1. iQuran.zipx.001 (200MB)
2. iQuran.zipx.002 (200MB)
3. iQuran.zipx.003 (200MB)
4. iQuran.zipx.004 (200MB)
5. iQuran.zipx.005 (200MB)
6. iQuran.zipx.006 (200MB)
7. iQuran.zipx.007 (200MB)
8. iQuran.zipx.008 (200MB)
9. iQuran.zipx.009 (79.5MB)
Cara nak install audio yg dah download :
Ada banyak cara sebenarnya, tapi ni cara yang paling senang xpayah pening² kepala..
1. Mula² download file audio tu pastu extract guna winzip 15.0 ke atas. Kalau xde winzip blay amek kat thread ni.
2. Pastu connect hp ke PC.
3. Copy folder iQuran tadi & paste ke hp. (Refer gambar kat bawah)
4. Last skali, install file iQuran.Pro.2.3.3.Android.apk melalui hp. (Guna apa² file manager..kalau samsung, ada app My Files, kalau xde blay install app Astro, amek kat Google Play. Buka My Files tu pastu cari file apk td dalam folder iQuran.. Siap..

Cara Nak Download Audio Direct Dari iQuran :
1. Satu surah sahaja (Single download)
Mula-mula klik pada mana² surah yang diingini..pastu tgk atas belah kanan sblh simbol speaker ada nama reciter..klik kat nama, nanti dia kuar list untuk select reciter..pilih mana-mana reciter, pastu klik kat simbol speaker untuk download..
2. Kesemua surah (Complete download)
Mula-mula pilih reciter dulu macam step kat atas..pastu back semula kat page depan yang ada list semua surah..klik kat ikon speaker untuk mana² surah (untuk download)..pastu dia kuar opsyen download this surah only @ download all surahs..pilih download all surahs, nanti dia akan download semua surah tapi untuk reciter yg kita pilih tadi e.g. Imam Sheikh Shuraim..cm2 la gak untuk download reciter lain..
ps/ : Kalau reciter tu dah ada file audio dia, simbol speaker akan tukar kaler putih..kalau belum, xde kaler..
(After download, please join using HJ-Split)
1. iQuran.zipx.001 (200MB)
2. iQuran.zipx.002 (200MB)
3. iQuran.zipx.003 (200MB)
4. iQuran.zipx.004 (200MB)
5. iQuran.zipx.005 (200MB)
6. iQuran.zipx.006 (200MB)
7. iQuran.zipx.007 (200MB)
8. iQuran.zipx.008 (200MB)
9. iQuran.zipx.009 (79.5MB)
Cara nak install audio yg dah download :
Ada banyak cara sebenarnya, tapi ni cara yang paling senang xpayah pening² kepala..
1. Mula² download file audio tu pastu extract guna winzip 15.0 ke atas. Kalau xde winzip blay amek kat thread ni.
2. Pastu connect hp ke PC.
3. Copy folder iQuran tadi & paste ke hp. (Refer gambar kat bawah)
4. Last skali, install file iQuran.Pro.2.3.3.Android.apk melalui hp. (Guna apa² file manager..kalau samsung, ada app My Files, kalau xde blay install app Astro, amek kat Google Play. Buka My Files tu pastu cari file apk td dalam folder iQuran.. Siap..
Cara Nak Download Audio Direct Dari iQuran :
1. Satu surah sahaja (Single download)
Mula-mula klik pada mana² surah yang diingini..pastu tgk atas belah kanan sblh simbol speaker ada nama reciter..klik kat nama, nanti dia kuar list untuk select reciter..pilih mana-mana reciter, pastu klik kat simbol speaker untuk download..
2. Kesemua surah (Complete download)
Mula-mula pilih reciter dulu macam step kat atas..pastu back semula kat page depan yang ada list semua surah..klik kat ikon speaker untuk mana² surah (untuk download)..pastu dia kuar opsyen download this surah only @ download all surahs..pilih download all surahs, nanti dia akan download semua surah tapi untuk reciter yg kita pilih tadi e.g. Imam Sheikh Shuraim..cm2 la gak untuk download reciter lain..
ps/ : Kalau reciter tu dah ada file audio dia, simbol speaker akan tukar kaler putih..kalau belum, xde kaler..