Kali ini saya akan share cara upgrade samsung galaxy young GT-S5360 ke ICS dengan custom rom ice cold jelly yang sangat keren, baiklah langsung saja ke topik utama..
Ini dia screenshoot nya

What's New In ice cold jelly?
- Very smooth and lightening fast
- all bugs fixed from previous rom
- revamped new ui
- all new bootanimation with awesome graphics [worth trying]
- fix cpu control problem
- DSP manager
- 6 lockscreens [credits to the dev]
- added new extended power menu
- blue themed ui
- added adw launcher [free version]
- removed all bloatwares
- HD call screen
- camera- Clearer pictures like never before
- all new settings
- new dialer and contacts like that from cm7
- BRAVIA hack.. [i will provide it as a patch]
- breath taking status bar with 14 toggles..
- ics like popup msg
- get ics and cm7 taste
- apw with skin include
- added cool theme
- preinstalled fonts
- all apps themed
- cm camera added
- hells fusion included
- get full blue xperience
- cool call screen
- new music player
- new search
- blue walls added
- market also blue
- Various icons changes
2.Call answer icons
3.Incall graphics
- More animated
- notification icons
- and many more
Rom File : ice cold jelly-signed nokernel.zip Link
CWM File : CWM.zip
- Pertama backup dulu HH anda dan pastikan baterai terisi penuh
- Download Rom Dan CWM diatas tadi
- Copy file rom dan cwm yg sudah didownload tadi ke sdcard
- Matikan Ponsel
- Masuk ke menu stock Recovery (Tekan dan tahan tombol Home+Volume up+Power Button)
- Gunakan tombol volume untuk scroll ke atas dan kebawah
- Pilih Apply Update from SD card
- Pilih CWM -> kamu akan masuk ke menu CWM Recovery
- Pilih Install zip From SDCARD
- Pilih zip From SDCARD
- Select -> ice cold jelly-signed nokernel.zip
- Choose “yes...."
- Tunggu sampai instalasi selesai
- Setelah instalasi selesai pilih advance dan pilih reboot recovery
- Pilih Wipe data tekan "yes"
- kemudian wipe cache tekan "yes"
- Reboot
- Selesai