akhirnya menemukan sebuah Windows 7 AIO integrated may 2016 yang mana
versi 32 bit dan 64 bit sudah included menjadi satu kesatuan. sudah
termasuk update sampai bulan Mei 2016.
Tidak ada tweak atau program berbahaya yang di sisipkan dari windows 7 ini, semua nya pure murni hanya di tambahkan update.

Added Editions :-
Windows 7 Starter x86
Windows 7 Home Basic x86
Windows 7 HOme premium x86
Windwos 7 Professional x86
Windows 7 Ultimate x86
Windows 7 Enterprises x86
Windows 7 Home Basic x64
Windows 7 Home Premium x64
Windows 7 Professional x64
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Windows 7 Enterprises x64
* Including Microsoft updates till 10.05.2016 and Internet Explorer 11
* NO tweaks or add-ons.
* NO additional programs and software added.
* NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
* It’s the original image from Microsoft except added updates and IE11!
Langkah Install
Code MD5 => w_7_AIO_x86x64_May2016.kuyhAa | MD5 Checker
Code MD5 di atas di sediakan untuk mencocokan File yang di download dengan yang saya upload sama. jika Code MD5 yang di download berbeda dengan yang ane posting. pasti akan gagal extract. itu artinya file perlu di Repair/download ulang oleh agan.
Size : 4.2 Gb | Add recovery 5% | @Part 1 Gb
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Via Diskoko
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Via Filecdn
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Via DownAce
SinggleLink | MD5: 425c055b3479d2ccb7d94032e63f6bd2
=> Windows 7 Sp1 AIO (x86x64) 11in1 en-us May2016 Full | Via DailyUplds
=> Windows 7 Sp1 AIO (x86x64) 11in1 en-us May2016 Full | Via Downace
Tidak ada tweak atau program berbahaya yang di sisipkan dari windows 7 ini, semua nya pure murni hanya di tambahkan update.

Added Editions :-
Windows 7 Starter x86
Windows 7 Home Basic x86
Windows 7 HOme premium x86
Windwos 7 Professional x86
Windows 7 Ultimate x86
Windows 7 Enterprises x86
Windows 7 Home Basic x64
Windows 7 Home Premium x64
Windows 7 Professional x64
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Windows 7 Enterprises x64
* Including Microsoft updates till 10.05.2016 and Internet Explorer 11
* NO tweaks or add-ons.
* NO additional programs and software added.
* NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
* It’s the original image from Microsoft except added updates and IE11!
KB3138378-x86-x64, KB3140245-x86-x64, KB3142024-x86-x64,
KB3153171-x86-x64, KB3153199-x86-x64, KB3156016-x86-x64,
Added KB3150220-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3108669-x86-x64, Windows 7 only)
Added KB3153731-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3148851-x86-x64)
Added KB3154070-IE11-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3148198-IE11-x86-x64)
Added KB3155178-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3115858-x86-x64)
Added KB3155413-x64 (replaces the KB3124625-x64, Server 2008, only R2)
Added KB3156013-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3124001-x86-x64)
Added KB3156017-x86-x64 (replaces the KB2976897-x86-x64)
The following updates are not relevant and removed: KB2585542-x86-x64, KB3035132-x86-x64
The following problematic updates have not been added: KB3133977-x86-x64, KB3145126-x64 (only Server 2008 R2)
Next update will not be installed if IE11 is present: KB3155413-x64 (only Server 2008 R2)
The following updates are excluded:
KB971033 -x86-the x64 (Update for Windows Activation Technologies checking)
KB2952664 -x86-the x64 (System Update compatibility for migration to Windows 10)
KB2977759 -x86-the x64 (Diagnostics compatibility issues for upgrading to Windows 10)
KB3021917 -x86-the x64 (diagnostics and telemetry systems to upgrade to Windows 10)
KB3035583 -x86-the x64 (Update sets “Get Windows 10” application)
KB3068708 -x86-the x64 (Update to improve the quality of diagnostics and telemetry)
KB3075249 -x86-the x64 (Update adds a point telemetry consent.exe file)
KB3080149 -x86-the x64 (Update for CEIP program and diagnostic telemetry)
KB3081954 -x86-the x64 (Update to improve the working folders and telemetry)
KB3123862 -x86-the x64 (Updated opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10)
KB3150513 -x86-the x64 (Updated configuration for compatibility diagnostics)
Added KB3150220-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3108669-x86-x64, Windows 7 only)
Added KB3153731-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3148851-x86-x64)
Added KB3154070-IE11-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3148198-IE11-x86-x64)
Added KB3155178-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3115858-x86-x64)
Added KB3155413-x64 (replaces the KB3124625-x64, Server 2008, only R2)
Added KB3156013-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3124001-x86-x64)
Added KB3156017-x86-x64 (replaces the KB2976897-x86-x64)
The following updates are not relevant and removed: KB2585542-x86-x64, KB3035132-x86-x64
The following problematic updates have not been added: KB3133977-x86-x64, KB3145126-x64 (only Server 2008 R2)
Next update will not be installed if IE11 is present: KB3155413-x64 (only Server 2008 R2)
The following updates are excluded:
KB971033 -x86-the x64 (Update for Windows Activation Technologies checking)
KB2952664 -x86-the x64 (System Update compatibility for migration to Windows 10)
KB2977759 -x86-the x64 (Diagnostics compatibility issues for upgrading to Windows 10)
KB3021917 -x86-the x64 (diagnostics and telemetry systems to upgrade to Windows 10)
KB3035583 -x86-the x64 (Update sets “Get Windows 10” application)
KB3068708 -x86-the x64 (Update to improve the quality of diagnostics and telemetry)
KB3075249 -x86-the x64 (Update adds a point telemetry consent.exe file)
KB3080149 -x86-the x64 (Update for CEIP program and diagnostic telemetry)
KB3081954 -x86-the x64 (Update to improve the working folders and telemetry)
KB3123862 -x86-the x64 (Updated opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10)
KB3150513 -x86-the x64 (Updated configuration for compatibility diagnostics)
- Download semua part, kemudian extract
- selanjutnya silahkan Burning atau buat Bootable USB
- silahkan lakukan install seperti biasa
- Selanjutnya aktivasi
- done, full version
- salam luar biasa
Code MD5 => w_7_AIO_x86x64_May2016.kuyhAa | MD5 Checker
Code MD5 di atas di sediakan untuk mencocokan File yang di download dengan yang saya upload sama. jika Code MD5 yang di download berbeda dengan yang ane posting. pasti akan gagal extract. itu artinya file perlu di Repair/download ulang oleh agan.
Size : 4.2 Gb | Add recovery 5% | @Part 1 Gb
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Via Diskoko
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Via Filecdn
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Via DownAce
SinggleLink | MD5: 425c055b3479d2ccb7d94032e63f6bd2
=> Windows 7 Sp1 AIO (x86x64) 11in1 en-us May2016 Full | Via DailyUplds
=> Windows 7 Sp1 AIO (x86x64) 11in1 en-us May2016 Full | Via Downace