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Flash Unbrick Huawei H30-U10 using SPFlashTool

Download Firmware +Tools +Driver Huawei H30-U10

platform: MT6582, S01, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
 manufacturer: HUAWEI
 hardware: mt6582
 board: H30-U10, name: H30-U10
 brand: Huawei, model: H30-U10
 build id: HuaweiH30-U10, version: 4.2.2 Jelly Bean (H30-U10 V100R001C900B108)
 build date: Wed Apr 16 13:25:30 CST 2014
 build description: H30-U10-user 4.2.2 HuaweiH30-U10 C900B108 ota-rel-keys,release-keys
soc:  MT6582
memory: 2 GB
boot serial no: A6MZSSUWT4QSHUZ5
serial no: 022SKP7N4B001759
mediatek version release: ALPS.JB5.MP.V1, branch: ALPS.JB5.MP
baseband project: HUAWEI82_WET_WW_JB5_HSPA_HW(DEFAULT)
baseband version: MOLY.WR8.W1315.MD.WG.MP.V5.P14, 2014/03/18 10:01
ril version: mtk gemini ril 1.0
sim state: ABSENT
android_id: 5f21653b27a520d3
bt addr: null
wifi mac: 84:db:ac:a8:79:61
imei1: 35920902706xxxx
imei2: 35920902736xxxx
country: ID
language: in
battery level: 52%
superuser: no

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